Name: ________________________________ # ________
Traders In Time Vocabulary- Chapters 1-3
1. Dune ________________________________________________________________
2. Canteen ________________________________________________________________
3. Canoe ________________________________________________________________
4. Cascade ________________________________________________________________
5. Birch Bark ________________________________________________________________
6. Bonjour ________________________________________________________________
7. Obsidian ________________________________________________________________
8. Mon ami ________________________________________________________________
9. Moccasin ________________________________________________________________
10. Warrior ________________________________________________________________
Name: ________________________________________________________ Number: _____________
Vocabulary Chapters 1-3 Quiz Directions: Match up the correct word to the definition. Write the letter on the blank.
A. Birch Bark B. Bonjour C. Canoe D. Canteen E. Cascade F. Dune
G. Moccasin H. Mon ami I. Obsidian J. Warrior
_______ _______ _______ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________
1. A person who shows courage or aggressiveness. __________
2. A waterfall descending over a steep rocky surface. __________
3. “Hello” in French __________
4. Soft leathered shoe that resembles slippers, worn by the Indians. __________
5. A Sand hill or sand ridge formed by the wind. __________
6. Canoes are made with this type of bark from a birch tree. __________
7. This means “my friend” in French. __________
8. A volcanic glass similar in composition to granite. __________
9. A small container used to hold water or other liquids. __________
10. A Narrow, open boat, that uses paddles for movement. __________
Name: ________________________________ # ________
Traders In Time Vocabulary- Chapters 4-6
1. Renegade ________________________________________________________________
2. Voyage ________________________________________________________________
3. Rancid ________________________________________________________________
4. Merci ________________________________________________________________
5. Conteur ________________________________________________________________
6. Bartering ________________________________________________________________
7. Ignorant ________________________________________________________________
8. Callus ________________________________________________________________
9. Habitant ________________________________________________________________
10. Belched ________________________________________________________________
Name: ________________________________________________________ Number: _____________
Vocabulary Chapters 4-6
Quiz Directions: Match up the correct word to the definition. Write the letter on the blank.
A. Bartering B. Belched C. Callus D. Conteur E. Habitant F. Ignorant
G. Merci H. Rancid I. Renegade J. Voyage.
_______ _______ _______ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________
1. A French word that means “thanks” __________
2. A person who leaves a party for another __________
3. A French settler __________
4. A very loud burp __________
5. A long journey __________
6. A French story teller __________
7. A hard or thick part of skin __________
8. To trade or exchange instead of using money to pay __________
9. An unpleasant smell __________
10. Lacking knowledge or information on a subject __________
Name: ________________________________ # ________
Traders In Time Vocabulary- Chapters 7-10
1. Inlet: __________________________________________________________
2. Knoll: __________________________________________________________
3. Bon Appetit: __________________________________________________________
4. Venison: __________________________________________________________
5. Gvenil: __________________________________________________________
6. Milieu: __________________________________________________________
7. Avant: __________________________________________________________
8. Great Manitou: __________________________________________________________
9. Algonquin: __________________________________________________________
10. The Revolutionary War: __________________________________________________________
Name: ________________________________________________________ Number: _____________
Traders in Time: Vocabulary Chapters 7-10 Quiz
Directions: Match up the correct word to the definition. Write the letter on the blank.
A. Avant B. Algonquin C. Bon Appetit D. Great Manitou E. Gvenil
F. Inlet G. Knoll H. Milieu I. The Revolutionary War J. Venison
_______ _______ _______ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________
1. A French saying to wish someone a good meal __________
2. This person stands in the back of the canoe _________
3. This is an indentation of the shoreline and it is long and narrow __________
4. The language spoken by the Odawa people__________
5. This person stands in the front of a canoe __________
6. Native Americans believed this to be the supreme being/the creator __________
7. Deer Meat _________
8. The middle men of the canoe are called this and they provide power. __________
9. A small hill or mound __________
10. The War between Great Britain and the and the 13 Colonies __________
Explain what it means to “cover your trail” as stated in Chapter 6. ________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________
Name: __________________Number: _____ Traders In Time
Chapters 11-13 Vocabulary
1. Vessel ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________
2. Kaw ______________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________
3. Suspicious ______________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________
4. Metis ______________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________
5. Powder Horn ______________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________
6. Ramrod ______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________
7. Ordeal ______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________
8. Rendezvous ______________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________
9. Wharf ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________
10. Knack ______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________
11. Black Robe ______________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________
12. Strawberry Moon ______________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________
Name: _______________________ Number:_____
Traders in Time Chapters 11-13
Vocabulary Quiz
Directions: Write the letter on the line for the definition that matches that word.
1. _____ Vessel A. a holder for the gunpowder, usually made from the horn of a cow
2. _____ Kaw B. a dock along the shore where boats load and unload
3. _____ suspicious C. The French Missionary that Chris and Nick think will help them get home
4. _____ Metis D. a boat
5. _____ powder horn E. special skill or talent
6. _____ ramrod F. the month of June
7. _____ ordeal G. "no" in Algonquin
8. _____ rendezvous H. a person who is half French and half Native American heritage
9. _____ wharf I. an extremely stressful situation
10._____ knack J. a rod used to shove the powder into a gun
11._____ Black Robe K. feeling that something is wrong
12._____ Strawberry Moon L. a meeting place